Types of bunkers Present on the site
Explanations on the Bunkers:
Daimler was a Hippomobile battery at the time of the landing, only three H669 casemates were operational, the construction of the last Casemate had not yet started.These casemates consisted of four French 155mm howitzers dating from the First World War. Other Bunkers were present as ammunition bunkers and shelters for the soldiers and to defend there were the Tobruk or a soldier was armed with a Machine Gun like an Mg34 or Mg42.
Four Regelbau H669 type casemates with various shelters were initially planned on the site. At the time of disembarkation, only three H669 casemates were operational, the construction of the last having not yet started.
Gun locations
Four gun positions are present on the day of the landing. They are accompanied by adjoining bunkers.
The main armament consists of four aging French howitzers (dating from World War I) of 155 mm manufactured by Schneider (155 mm FH414) and requisitioned by the Germans. Fortunately for the allies, the guns will be moved further inland a few days before the landing.
Autres Bunkers
This Bunker is of R-621 type they were used as ammunition bay.
Le Regelbau 610 est un PC pour compagnie renforcée ou pour officier de batterie. Il abrite un état-major d'une compagnie renforcée ou le PC d'artillerie.
Il est doté d'installations TSF (radios)
2 officiers et entre 18 et 21 hommes peuvent y être abrités selon l'aménagement qui peut être différent.
En dehors des deux sas d'entrée, de la pièce de combat (caponnière exterieure) et du Tobruk exterieur , l'abri regroupe deux chambres de troupe, une salle de vie, une chambre pour officier et un local de transmissions (salle radio)
Sur le Site, 1 bunker type R-610 se trouvait à l'arrière de la batterie pour coordonner les tirs.